Thursday, April 2, 2015

Smell that?  No, not the skunk.  No, not the thawing dog poo.  No, not the illegal burning of brush if you are in New York State (since there is a state wide outside burning ban between March 16 through May 14). Well, actually, yes, ALL OF THAT....  its SPRING!!!  It is a time of renew and rebirth!  What a perfect time to introduce the new me to the world, right?

There have been many changes.  I have been forced to leave the old me behind and finally embrace the new
Photo Credit:  LeeAnne Richards <3
me.  I have had to give up the control, the independence, the dreams of world domination, everything that has defined me to this point.  No, I'm not totally remade.  As a matter of fact, I'm finding loss of skills and abilities daily.  But I'm finding other things.  Like when I'm not expecting to do it all by myself, people don't expect me to do it all by myself, and are happy to help.  BUT if I act like I'm planning on doing it alone, they are expecting me to do it alone, and they don't WANT to help!  Oh, and I also found out things make more sense in my head than they do when I explain them.  :) 

Me & My Hero
Part of giving up control and becoming part of a team is the name of my blog.  Its no longer all about me, its all about us.  Its no longer "Lisa DeFlamingos", its "The Eaglemingo's Roost" now.  I have finally learned that No man is an island, and no bird, no matter how fabulous she is, is a flock.  If it weren't for my awesome Eagle, I'd have lost my coloring and have faded out a LONG time ago.  So, as our family has been remade, so has my blog.  I will be focusing on our life, but more about us and how we enjoy our life to the fullest.  No matter how odd it is.  We happen to like odd.  

But, I've also decided to be more real.  Our finances are no where near as well off as we may seem, and even though I've been denied for disability, those close to me know I am not able to work.  No matter how many times I say "I'm getting a job", or "I can do that!"  After many prayers, I finally believe that I'm supposed to stay where I am and trust in the Lord.  So, that is what I'm going to do.  I'm going to putter, create, write, and put myself out there and wait on my Lord.  I'm planning on having fun my take on reviews of places, things, and professionals.  I will open an Etsy Shop for the fun things I create (NOT AngelGowns, those are free, contact me if you, or someone you know have a need), and if I get to the point where I create enough stuff, I may do craft shows and flea markets.  So, please keep "Eaglemingo's Roost" in your prayers.

So, I will work for money, but I am not for sale.  Meaning, I'll review anything, and I do love a challenge, so send me ideas and suggestions, but my opinions can't be bought.  I do take Paypal donations anytime at

PS....  While I have given up the dream of World Domination, I still have my sights set on the invasion of CANADA!!!!

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