Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fun Filled Earth Day Edition

Portrait of Gaylord Nelson
Today is Earth Day.  The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970.  Today, Earth Day is 45 years old.   Earth Day was basically the brainchild of Gaylord Nelson, the State Senator and Governor from Wisconsin.  I felt I could find some interesting anecdotes to point out and perhaps make fun of, and use that to educate everyone on this, the largest secular holiday in the world, AND one that Hallmark hasn’t gotten a hold on yet!  But, I’ve got nothing. 
I LOVE these signs!!!!  This is about Col.Roberts
I know that we cannot be the only family that forces the mother to play the “Wow you are older than __________!!!!” game.  You know, that is where the loving family points out the things that we, the person they forget prepares most of their meals, happen to be older than.  Since my eldest child is 26 years old, I’ve been playing this game a long time.  That little cherub, Steve, was the child who, the day I turned 31, proceeded to tell everyone “Oh, my mom is pushing 40!!”  I am NOT older than the Earth; however, I am older than Earth Day.  So, I bring you, the "What Else am I Older Than, Earth Day Edition!!!!"

Harper's Beauty
The leaf blower was invented by Dom Quinto in the late 1950s. It was originally introduced to the United States as part of an agricultural chemical sprayer.  I am NOT older than the leaf blower.  However, I AM older than the mulching lawn mower, which was patented by Frank E McLane on 7/23/1990.  I am also older than the Environmental Protection Agency, founded in 1970.  I am NOT older than Fracking, though.  Today’s hydraulic fracturing technologies can trace their roots to April 25, 1865, when Civil War veteran Col. Edward A. L. Roberts received the first of his many patents for an “exploding torpedo.”  (But that doesn’t make it right!!!)  For those of you in Onondaga County, we have an AWESOME recycling plant you need to check out.  It is called OCRRA and pronounced “okra” for all you southern veggie lovin’ people.  I am older than OCRRA, as they have been providing a comprehensive solid waste management and resource recovery system to Onondaga County since 1990. 

Not a Goliath Bird Eating Spider.  You are Welcome
What would our earth be without our awesomely strange animals?  I am older than the Louisiana Pancake Batfish and the Goliath Bird Eating Spider.  I am also older than the Harperocallis flava, known by the common name Harper's beauty, is a species endemic to Florida in the United States, where it is known mainly from the Apalachicola National Forest in the Panhandle. This wildflower was first described in 1968.  What is really funny, as in funny strange, and certainly NOT funny “ha ha”, is that by 1979 there were only three known populations totaling fewer than 100 individuals and it is now on the US Seriously Endangered Species List.

The good news is that Arbor Day is in 2 days on April 24th.  I promise NOT to do another fun, fact filled tree hugging post on tree’s I may or may not be older than.  I think I’ll shoot for something more entertaining.  I’ll paint a picture of a tree and we’ll see how long it takes the paint to dry.

My Portrait of Trees, painted Winter 2014-15

As always, I will work for money, but I am not for sale.  Meaning, I'll review anything, and I do love a challenge, so send me ideas and suggestions, but my opinions can't be bought.  I do take Paypal donations anytime at

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