Thursday, April 16, 2015

Onondaga Lake Has the SMARTEST Water in the WORLD

Pretty Onondaga Lake
Headline reads:

Lake Onondaga, once thought to be one of America's most polluted lakes, is safe to swim in again.  So, are we grabbing our swimsuits?  Not quite yet.  Why?  Well, while CNYCentral reports that while “A new report states Onondaga Lake is clean enough for swimming for the first time since public bathing was banned in 1940”,  “The findings do not mean people should start swimming in the lake.”  Please read the article in its entirety, I hid the link, so look for it.  Pitman and I watched this breaking and most exciting news on News Channel 9WSYR this morning.  The reason I knew it was exciting was because I’m certain the new female news anchor, Jennifer Sanders, was bouncing up and down, almost wetting herself to show how excited she was.  Pitman, kept saying, “But”, and I’d say “SHUSH!”, because I was waiting for the punch line.  Then they’d say something about the north or the south side of the lake, and Pitman would say “BUT….’ Just a little louder, as Jennifer Sanders was jumping a little higher, wetter herself a litter harder, and I’d say, “SHUSH” a littler harsher, waiting for Ms. Sanders and Dan Cummings to realize what they were saying…  to no avail.  This repeated itself a few times during the broadcast, and then they broke for a commercial, still bouncing and smiling, because our lake, even though it won’t be opened up for swimming, is mostly clean enough for swimming, and they have a document to prove it!!!  When that commercial popped up, Pitman looked at me and said “But…”  I told him, “its ok, honey, go ahead and say it”, and he said, very angrily… “WATER MOVES!!!!!!!”

Icky Onondaga Lake

What does that mean, you ask?  Well, you see, they are saying that it is safe to swim in Onondaga Lake because, "Water quality conditions in the northern two-thirds of the lake are now suitable for swimming."   The report goes on to state, The south portion of the lake remains too polluted for swimming and fishing continues to be restricted across the whole lake due to high levels of mercury found in some area fish.”  


Love Onondaga Lake Park, But Swimming would be Scary.

So, whoever penned the report does acknowledge that fish can NOT be trusted to stay in their designated north or the south position of the lake.  It is apparent however that they believe that the contaminated water will NOT move beyond the set boundaries of the contamination area.  AND while the fish are completely uncooperative about staying within their assigned borders and water is intelligent enough to remain where it is told, they do NOT trust humans to not venture to the toxic waste area and only frolic in the clean 2/3 of the northern lake.  Some people train their pets.  I’ve heard of training your plants to grow a certain way.  I was once told by my hair stylist I had to train my hair.  But never, in my life, did I know you could train water in a lake, not to cross a contamination line.  Here in Syracuse, we have the smartest water anywhere!!!!!  And yet the people voted to re-elect Cuomo.  Some things I will never understand.

Talking about "Scary"......


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