I find myself in a quandary. I have a teen,
exhibiting teen behavior, who is also autistic. What people not living in an
Autism world may not know is that even when they are being age appropriate, we
STILL need to remember that behavior correction that works with NT kids will
normally not work with our Auties. So, when Cassie "couldn't" make it
to class on time because of hanging out with friends, I'm having a few days of
hell here. Meltdowns, shut downs, you name it.
I could rock this hat!! |
I believe I made a mistake on Monday afternoon, and I think Paul, being as sick as he was, probably didn't catch it.
"If you choose not to be on time to class for the rest of the week, you
are choosing not to have a sleep over this weekend". LISA!! YOU IDIOT!!!!!
Too large of a span of time between Monday afternoon and the weekend, #1, this
is the first time you are having the discussion, #2, and you are setting her up
for failure. So, why are you surprised when she didn't make it on time Tuesday
morning?!?!?! Well, I bought Cassie her
favorite pretzels. Then told her she couldn't have them. Not until tomorrow, Wednesday,
IF she could make it to English on time. Yeah, I know... Autism Moms reading
this are thinking I’m certifiable. But
she's pretty stable, and hasn't been a puddle of goo on the floor in quite some
time; I felt I could handle it.
Well, sometimes they ARE misbehaving!!! |
I won’t lie, it
wasn't easy. It made for a long
night. We’d go from meltdown to
shutdown… I think we even had a temper tantrum or two, but who can tell
anymore. But this morning, she was all
better. On the way to school, she
assured me she would make it today. And I did threaten her that If she didn't make
it to class on time, I was irritated enough to sit there in front of her and
eat every single one of them and not let her have even one. We were both
laughing, but I think she knew I was serious. I told her if THAT didn't work,
I'd walk up to her and all her friends and announce I was there to help them
make it to class on time. In my grey sweat pants and grey flannel shirt, I
matched, but I wasn't pretty. She said she could see me doing that. I told her
I'd bring healthy Tofu & black bean muffin's to soften the blow. BUT I just
got a text stating "I GET PRETZELS AFTER SCHOOL!!!!!!!"
<hehehehehe> I know, it’s just one
day, one battle. But we all have to take what we can get, right?
Current Bribe, I mean, Reward of Choice |
But then I get the
email from the teacher stating, “She was late again
today! Grrr.....” BUT Cassie DID kick
butt on her Argumentative Essay about Autism and Service Dogs.. And she
honestly BELIEVED she was on time for class….
And I didn’t get the email until AFTER she ate the pretzels…. <sigh>
I have won nothing! I’ve been
defeated by peers and school bells!!! Furthermore,
all I DO have is 3 tardies no pretzels, and an 85% on an essay. What does Cassie have? Apparently a delightful social life. Oh, and a boyfriend that calls her “Babe”,
much to her father’s chagrin. I’m
thinking I need to get myself a Napoleon Hat and Coat (he has the cutest
outfit), some maps, and start getting serious.
I need to get busy and plan a proper campaign. I will win this war!! Watch out, Little Miss, and remember, you got
your competitiveness gene from your Mother; even your Father can’t beat me when
I take up a cause!
Disney Channel's Next Best Dad! |
admit, I wrote this last night. Sometime
in the evening Rob & I discussed my dismay at OUR daughters actions. I also voice d my dismay at is lack of
assistance in the matter due to his inability enter into a confrontation. Yes,
I can drag him into a confrontation, usually kicking and screaming, but he will
never, ever enter willingly, or start one on his own. So this morning, as Pitman was leaving for
work, he kisses me goodbye, tells me he loves me, and to have a good day. He kisses Cassie on the forehead, tells her
he loves her and to have a good day. I
ask “Is there anything else you want to say to her?” He looks completely confused and kind of
scared of what he has forgotten. You see
him going through his mental calendar, coming up blank.” “MAN UP, PITMAN!!!!”, I holler at him, and he
still looks confused. “How about “Be on
time?!?!?!” And the look of relieved
recollection crossed his face, and in the most stereotypical, foolish Disney TV
Dad way you can imagine, he looks at Cassie and says:
I’m doomed.
always, I will work for money, but I am not for sale. Meaning, I'll
review anything, and I do love a challenge, so send me ideas and suggestions,
but my opinions can't be bought. I do take Paypal donations anytime at